"A question that people often ask me"
"Are all the Super Junior members 'actually' close?"
"They ask me too"
All the members nod in agreement that they still get this question a ton
Shindong: "They always ask us which members are the closest but we're all close so it's hard to answer..."
Kyuhyun: I guess there are groups out there where not all the members are close
They receive that question so much
Ryeowook: "I just say that we're not close!"
Leeteuk: "I've also just started saying that we're not close! When people ask why, I tell them..."
"Do you have to say that you're close to your family?"
Ryeowook: "He's a kkondae"
(Slang used by young people to refer to old people who give condescending lectures)
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- The fact that he called his hyung a kkondae shows that they really are close ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Wow but Leeteuk's words really does make my heart flutter... if I were also a member I think I would feel really touched
- It's touching... I'm jealous ㅠㅠ
- SuJu is a real family... I'm jealous that they have so many close friends like that